Get the Headband
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April 23, 2023.
IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation sign collaboration agreement with Naxon Labs
Naxon Labs Signs Collaboration Agreement with IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation Naxon Labs signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation. IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation is a technology innovation hub working in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), located at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India. The MOU was signed on 30th January 2023, with the aim of promoting interaction between the two organizations in areas like Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Electroencephalography (EEG) technology for research and development, and skill development activities.   IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation have a multidisciplinary team with skills in Computer Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Industrial Design. The areas for research include Cognitive Enhancement, Mental Health & Wellness; EEG/BCI-based Interactive Technologies and Neurofeedback; Multisensory Applications and Social Robotics. With state-of-the-art Lab facilities, the hub collaborates with many organizations, including Naxon Labs. The MOU will allow for the sharing of information and resources towards creating more impact through collaboration in BCI, AI, and EEG use of case-specific products and solutions for the Indian market. This collaboration is expected to lead to breakthrough innovations in the field of Neurotechnology and will bring about significant benefits for both organizations.   According to Leandro Castelluccio, CEO and Co-Founder of Naxon Labs, "We are excited to be partnering with IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation. The collaboration will bring together the expertise of both organizations to develop innovative solutions for the Indian and global market. We believe that this partnership will create a new benchmark in Neurotechnology research and development." On behalf of the IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation, the iHub CEO, Somjit Amrit said, "We are delighted to collaborate with Naxon Labs, which has a wealth of experience in the field of Neurotechnology. This partnership will help us in advancing our research in the field of BCI, AI, and EEG and will also provide opportunities for our research and development team to work on real-world problems." The MOU is a significant step towards advancing research in the field of Neurotechnology, which has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. The collaboration between Naxon Labs and IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation is expected to bring about significant advancements in the field of BCI, AI, and EEG technology, which will have far-reaching implications for the Indian market.   The partnership will also provide opportunities for students and researchers to work on cutting-edge technology and contribute towards the development of practical tools and applications. The collaboration will also help in promoting skill development activities in the field of Neurotechnology, which is expected to be the next big thing in the tech world. Naxon Labs and IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation are committed to bringing about positive change through technology. This partnership will go a long way in achieving this goal and will pave the way for more collaborations in the future.   Overall, the collaboration between Naxon Labs and IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation is a significant development in the field of Neurotechnology, and we can expect to see groundbreaking innovations in the near future. This partnership is an excellent example of how collaboration between different organizations can lead to breakthrough advancements in technology, which will have a significant impact on our lives.  
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March 09, 2023.
Neurotechnology in New Zealand: developments and state of the art
Developments and state of the art of neurotechnology in New Zealand. Neurotechnology in New Zealand is a rapidly advancing field, with research being conducted in both academia and industry.   One of the key areas of research in New Zealand is in the development of neural prosthetics. These devices, which interface with the nervous system, have the potential to restore function to those who have lost it due to injury or disease. For example, researchers at the University of Auckland are developing implantable devices that can be used to restore movement to people with spinal cord injuries. The Implantable Devices Group at the University of Auckland has been researching the potential of implantable devices to make a significant impact on people's lives. They have been working on developing a wireless heart pump that can be charged overnight and run all day without the need for cables and connections, potentially eliminating the issue of drive-line infections. Additionally, the group has been developing small, power-efficient, wireless data acquisition systems that can be implanted for long-term monitoring of physiological signals. These devices are now available through the Auckland-based company Kaha Sciences.      A team of researchers in the Implantable Devices Group at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI) are developing an implantable medical pressure sensor to be placed in the brains of patients with hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition where fluid accumulates in the brain, which can be fatal if left untreated. The current treatment is a thin tube or shunt surgically implanted in the brain that drains and diverts excess fluid from the brain, but the shunt often blocks, resulting in increased pressure around the brain and reduced blood supply to key areas. The device would be the first New Zealand-designed fully implanted electronic medical device and would offer early warning of a likely blockage, thus preventing unnecessary hospitalizations. The implantable sensor is part of an intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement system that also includes a handheld wand that is held near the head, which wakes up the device, and a pressure reading is sent back to the wand. The system enables a measurement of ICP to be read by the patient or their caregivers and shared with healthcare professionals electronically on the Cloud and through a mobile phone, through an app designed by the team. Ultimately, they will be seeking approval from the FDA, which recognizes three classes of medical devices. Class III medical devices, such as this implantable sensor, are those of substantial importance in preventing impairment of human health but also pose the highest risk to patients.   Professor Simon Malpas leads the Inplantable Devices Group at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. Photo: Claire Concannon/RNZ.   Professor Simon Malpas leads the Implantable Devices Group at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. He is the CEO of Kitea Health. Kitea is a next generation medical device company headquartered in Auckland New Zealand. Founded from the Auckland Bioengineering Institute with substantial backing for its research platform from the Health Research Council, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment and a variety of charitable bodies. The company is in the preclinical stage for its first clinical device for the management of hydrocephalus. Another area of research in New Zealand is in the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). BCIs allow people to control computers and other devices using their thoughts, which has the potential to greatly improve the quality of life for people with severe physical disabilities. Researchers at the University of Otago and the Auckland University of Technology are working on developing BCIs that can be used to control prosthetic limbs and other assistive devices. New Zealand is playing a role in developing brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) that enable humans to control machines using their minds. Thought-Wired, a start-up with offices in Auckland and Melbourne, has developed the nousBlink system that interprets brain waves and muscle movements through a headband, allowing people who can't speak or move their limbs to control their home devices or access the internet via their computer. Dmitry Yu Selitskiy is the CEO and he ultimately wants to “let anyone control anything with their mind”.    TransAxon is working with AI-BCIs linking physiological psychology and artificial intelligence to repair and improve brains.  Michael Witbrock, Co-Founder and CEO, with the TransAxon team are developing full, "better than reality", function- and memory-enhancing Autogenous Induced Brain-Computer interfaces (AI-BCI) that don’t injure the brain and don’t require much more “surgery” than Lasik or a tattoo. We’ll do this by harnessing the natural neurogenesis processes that originally built our brains, re-applying it to grow a biological bridge that connects an adult brain safely to an interface outside the skull. And we’ll apply AI-level machine learning to achieve complete functional integration. On the path to the full product, we’ll lead with drug development platforms and then therapeutic implants, initially for vision and speech. Outset Ventures and Icehouse Ventures are supporting this initiative. Getting photons into and out of areas with a high degree of control underpins all aspects of optical approaches to BCIs. Staying aware of the capabilities and developments in this field will ensure TransAxon is ready to implement such systems, when and where we need to. The open question is if these systems could eventually work through skin, muscle and perhaps a skull. Still to find out.   Researchers at the University of Otago are working on BMIs that could help treat mental illness, while the Auckland University of Technology is looking to overcome the challenge of complex brainwave translation by developing an artificial intelligence algorithm that mimics the human brain. Shenghuan Zhang and scientists at the University of Otago have developed machine learning models that use EEG (electroencephalography) data to predict depressivity, a measure of personality traits rather than just sickness. The team designed novel techniques to clean up the EEG data, and then used different combinations of signal processing techniques and machine learning algorithms to generate the models. They found that the models could accurately predict depressivity, particularly for women, and that the gamma band of EEG data made the biggest contribution to these predictions. The research opens up possibilities for using EEG data to measure personality traits and could be extended to other mental health conditions, such as anxiety. In this context they created a device that could, for example, give the person an alert to make them more aware of their mental state as a kind of mindfulness training. It’s a high-tech version of a technique called neuro-feedback, which trains people to regulate their own brains by showing them their brain activity.  These neuro-feedback brain-machine interfaces could help people suffering from a host of mental health issues including ADHD, depression and anxiety. So far, the team has developed a proof-of-concept headset that reads brainwaves and a computer algorithm that can translate those brainwaves into making a drone fly.   Instead of trying to analyze many different types of brainwaves, the Otago-based research team has focused on a single channel. The Associate Professor Zhiyi Huang said “we have external funding from a few Chinese companies who initially wanted video game controllers using EEG [electroencephalographic] technology, reading brainwaves and translating those into commands then sent to the game via Bluetooth”.  One research team based at the Auckland University of Technology is tackling the artificial intelligence side of the challenge. To get around some of the difficulties in translating complex brainwaves into instructions for a machine, they’ve created a computer algorithm that mimics the human brain. The artificial intelligence, called NeuCube, maps the brain’s structures and functions and could be used to control devices in the same way our brains control our real limbs ( “We want to make this system more brain-like, so we can better interpret the signals this system has learned,” said team leader Nikola Kasabov. “We want a better understanding of what the brain is doing.” Brain-Like Artificial Intelligence (BLAI) is pioneered by Prof. Nikola Kasabov and here it is one of its realizations. The NeuCube on Chip is a software system for the creation of large spiking neuron models in real time that run on the SpiNNaker multi-core system developed by the University of Manchester group of Prof. Steve Furber. Each SpiNNaker chip has 18 ARM968 cores; they are connected via an asynchronous packet switcher for faster communication. The system runs in real-time, which means that an interactive application that could propagate and change the synaptic weights on the fly could be implemented, this would not only speed up the model training but could also control the flow of spikes and modifications in the weights. The SpiNNaker natively implements a simplified form of STDP learning rule between its connections this adds advantage over software implementation. NeuCube could take advantage of SpiNNaker machines unsupervised learning and speed up the learning process. Also, we could increase the number of neurons from thousands to millions. Neurotechnology in New Zealand is also being used to develop treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders. For example, researchers at the University of Auckland are using deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders. DBS involves the use of implantable electrodes to deliver electrical stimulation to specific areas of the brain. In fact, one of the key players in neurotechnology research in New Zealand is the Centre for Brain Research (CBR) at the University of Auckland ). The CBR is a multidisciplinary research institute that focuses on understanding the brain and developing new treatments for neurological disorders. The CBR has a number of research programs focused on areas such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and epilepsy, and is home to a range of advanced neuroimaging technologies such as MRI, EEG, and PET. Another prominent research institute in New Zealand is the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand. The foundation is a non-profit organization that funds research into neurological disorders, and also provides education and support for people affected by these conditions. The foundation has a particular focus on conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. In addition to research, there are also several companies in New Zealand that are working to commercialize neurotechnology. For example, Neurotech NZ is a New Zealand-based company that develops and commercializes neurotechnology products such as brain-computer interfaces and neurofeedback systems. Focused on developing neurotechnology products and therapies, there are companies like BrainZ, which develops advanced monitoring systems for neonatal intensive care units to help detect and prevent brain damage in newborns. Another company, AurorA BioMed, is focused on developing new therapies for conditions such as epilepsy and chronic pain. The state of neurotechnology in New Zealand is robust and growing, with a number of research institutes and companies dedicated to advancing the field. The country has a particular focus on understanding and treating neurological disorders, and has made significant progress in developing new therapies and technologies to help people affected by these conditions.
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March 08, 2023.
The Video Games and Artificial Intelligence Innovation Unit at Universitat de les Illes Balears (UVJIA)
The unit was created on March 9th 2022 to promote transfer and innovation in the field of video games and AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the use of video games and their possible applications in different fields with a social and integrative character. It is managed by Dr. Francisco J. Perales López, University Professor of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (Director), by Dr. Pere Antoni Borras Rotger, full professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Specific Didactics (Assistant Director) and Dr. Francisca Negre Bennasar, professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology (Secretary). At the beginning of 2023 Naxon Labs joined the unit as an external agent in the group of companies of video games and artificial intelligence, particularly bringing synergies with neurotechnology.   The Specific Objectives of the Unit Be a model or guide to deepen and enhance this digital transformation especially in the fields of video games, e-sports and educational and therapeutic applications. Sensitize the user with all the subjects specific to video games with special emphasis on the positive aspects of self-improvement, discipline, teamwork, knowing how to respect established rules and prevent pathological or additive use. Enhance the aspects closest to the user in the field of AI, combining the most natural user interfaces with the most advanced AI systems (XAI) Analyze the e-sports ecosystem as a potential field of diversification of tourist offer in the Balearic Islands Design innovative didactic strategies in order to integrate video games as resources for the improvement of teaching-learning processes Design services based on the concept of metaverses, initially composed of 3D virtual spaces, where to develop interactive multidimensional experiences of use. Study advanced applications combining web 3.0, AR, VR, AI for video games offering advanced user experiences.   Background The use of video games and their applications in a multitude of areas in today's society is unquestionable evidence, and the rapid process towards the total digitization of leisure in all human areas is irreversible. In the interconnected world we live in, video games are an increasingly popular and universal form of mass entertainment. The new situations that encourage telepresence and online/distributed services justify that these video games are developed by multidisciplinary teams of computer engineers and other recognized qualified specialists. Its plots and narratives are a concept generally used as metaverses, an immersive and multi-sensory experience with the applied use of various immersive technological developments that aid in the experience and socialization of the user. Video games play a prominent role among artistic expressions, because they offer a realistic experience that serves to educate as well as entertain. These facts highlight the need to unite the efforts of all professionals related to this growing industry and with an unknown potential in order to face the challenges of the coming years. With regard to this unknown potential, it is interesting to analyze its possibilities as a didactic resource and to study the impact that video games can have on improving teaching-learning processes. It is also relevant to analyze the therapeutic applications of video games for the rehabilitation of certain pathologies that require working on aspects such as memory, spatial orientation, problem solving, following instructions..., as well as studying their distraction capacity for the treatment of pain and other mood effects resulting from illness and/or disability. The design and development of current video games involve many branches of knowledge, which is why the unit must foster this integrative and multidisciplinary spirit by applying knowledge with a common methodology and a language that is proper and accepted in social environments with professional solutions. Digital competence emerges, more and more, as fundamental in technologically advanced societies. In this sense, the unit, based on the proposal of quality video games, will contribute to enhancing this competition between students and teachers and between society in general.   Activities The activities planned by the Video Games and Artificial Intelligence Innovation Unit (UVJIA) are as follows: •    Regular meetings, conferences and workshops held by specialists. •    Reinforcement of the UIB's collaboration with commercial agents and society in general. •    Study of possible economic sources of R+D+I in key projects in the digital transformation of society (video games, electronic sports, education, etc.). •    Innovation, knowledge transfer and training in the field of video games and AI. •    Analysis of the relationship between these activities (electronic sports) and sustainable and quality tourism. •    Promotion of serious video games for health and advanced biosensors (electronic health or e-health ). •    Study of the generation of local and national eSports competitions/tournaments and a UIB eSports club. •    Study of the legal and sociological aspects of video games. •    Proposed strategies for the prevention of video game addiction.   Members companies in computer graphics, computer vision, video games, AI, e-Health. Mansion Games: Ms. Mar Gallardo Lara. NeuronUp: Mr. Iñigo Fernández de Pierola Santo Tomas. Didimo: Ms. Veronica Costa Orvalho. LADAT Studios S.L.: Mr. Juan Montes de Oca Durán. Remex Experience: Mr. Andreu Florit Moll. Alisys Robotics: Ms. Beatriz Gómez Icon Educational Solutions: Mr. Alex Fernandez Onalabs: Ms. Elizabet del Valle Naxon Labs: Mr. Martin Machin Escapula Comics: Pau Rodriguez   Sources:  
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February 25, 2023.
Taking care of Muse devices and connecting them to Naxon Labs tools
At Naxon Labs we focus on EEG technology and its various applications. We have developed custom software and interfaces that uses artificial intelligence to identify patterns and process data recorded by portable, wearable EEG devices like Muse. The BCI technology used by Naxon Labs provides a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. The data obtained can be used in various fields, including medical, research, self-improvement, product development, advertisement, neurofeedback, and other uses.   Muse is a portable, wearable EEG device that Naxon Labs uses to obtain data. It is easy to set up, light, and available for consumers to purchase to record their own brain waves in various settings, including sleep, concentration periods, and different emotions. Muse has different models and generations, and its impressive results mitigate the limitations of being portable, which include using fewer electrodes than conventional EEG devices or being more prone to interferences.   Naxon Explorer and Naxon Emotions are the main products of Naxon Labs, which are an integrated platform with machine learning tools and automatic pattern analysis. The data recorded in sessions can be downloaded and processed in other tools for different analysis, including training for machine learning in specific use cases.     Adjusting the Muse devices for a proper data reading with Naxon Labs To ensure a proper data reading and recording, the Muse devices need to be treated with care and adjusted properly. You must adjust the electrodes properly in the headband to avoid chaotic signals due to artifact position and its electrodes. The ears electrodes should be adjusted before starting the recording, and hair should be banded and electrodes wiped for better wave quality.   In the following picture of a Naxon Explorer session where you can see the brain waves pattern, and you can realize if you are not adjusting the sensors properly in the head band. The Muse S device has four electrodes. Two to be placed on the forehead and two behind the ears. In this first session, the ears electrodes (TP9+TP10) signals were chaotic due to the artifact position and its electrodes. To avoid this, it is better to adjust the electrodes before start the recording. Also, you may have to band your hair and wipe the electrodes to get the best waves quality.   The following session shows a scenario where the electrodes are correctly adjusted. In this case it was practiced meditation for approximately 90 seconds. In this record you are able to see the low frequency waves which appears with stillness and calmness.     And the following picture is another example of smooth data recording with proper device adjustment:     How do I improve the sensor / signal quality with Muse? Before each session, Muse checks to see if your headband is turned on correctly and is getting a strong enough signal using a coloured semicircle shown below. This step is designed to ensure your Muse is responsive and accurate during your sessions for the best results. Whether you're having trouble getting the headband status indicators to fill in, or your sessions are being interrupted with signal quality disruptions, there are a few steps you can try to find a fit that works for you. You can learn more in this article and the specific recommendations for Muse 1 / Muse 2 and Muse S.     Cleaning and taking care of Muse 1 and Muse 2 devices. Muse devices must be treated with care, and proper steps should be taken to ensure their longevity. For instance, the Muse 2/Original Muse is a sensitive device that should not be submerged in water or exposed to extreme temperatures or sunlight. They should be stored in the same box or hard case they were received in, and protected against sudden impacts or extreme bending. The headband sensors and silicone earpieces should be cleaned from time to time using a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab, and the plastic casing and the rest of the headband can be wiped down with a lightly damp cloth.   The following video tutorial is very helpful:     Cleaning and taking care of Muse-S devices. The Muse S is also a sensitive device that should be treated with care. It should be stored in the same box or hard case it was received in and kept beside the bed for easy use and to remind users to recharge it each morning. Users should avoid over-stretching the Muse S band near the electrode patterns to prevent cracks or damage to the electrode design. They should also avoid folding or bending the fabric where the sensors are when traveling with the device. Users should avoid using skin care products or chemicals prior to using Muse S, and if they do, they should ensure they have dried before placing the headband on. The hooks on the pod of Muse S (Gen 2) should be handled with extra care and gentleness to secure the pod to the band.   To assemble the new band and pod properly, hooks have been added to the Muse S (Gen 2) connector side of the pod to secure it to the band. The hooks ensure the electrical connection is consistent and reduce the chances of it disconnecting during use. The user should align the two holes on the band with the hooks on the pod and push down firmly until the pod snaps into place. The user should then secure the hooks by sliding them towards the pod's center.   Upon assembly you will want to be sure that you're clicking them into place so there are no gaps. If there is a gap between the pod and the wing, the electrical connection may be interrupted, preventing you from proceeding through Signal Quality Check until the pod is accurately secured. Although this may present as a signal quality issue, rest assured this is easily resolved using the assembly instructions in this video:   Follow Muse instructions to properly assemblethe Muse S (Gen 2) pod: On the pod, you will notice two hooks that will help secure the pod to the band.  On the band, ensuring the Muse logo is oriented right side up, you will see two inserts for these hooks on the right pod wing. Place the hooks into the inserts. You will know you have done this correctly when there is no gap between the pod and the wing. Then secure the pod to the left wing using the magnets, again ensuring there are no gaps. You do not need to remove the pod from the band between uses. Always remove the pod from the band before cleaning your soft band.    If you wish to wash your Muse S Headband, it is important that you disconnect the Muse S Pod prior to doing so as the Pod cannot be washed. Your Muse S headband must be hand washed with a mild, scent-free detergent.  Do not put Muse S in a washing machine or dryer as this will damage Muse S and will not be covered by Interaxon's warranty.   After hand washing Muse S, gently towel dry it, then leave it laid flat to dry. Reconnect the Muse S pod once the Muse S Headband is completely dry, allow 24 hours to ensure it is fully dried. Muse S headband cannot be placed in a tumble dryer, however having it sit near a heating vent for faster drying will not damage the Muse as long as it is not directly in contact with the vent or direct heat. You can watch the following video where Amanda Fleury, former Hardware Research Engineer at Muse, explains the right procedure:   After some time your Muse-S fabric band will naturally start to show signs of wear-and-tear over time with repeated use. This is perfectly normal and first signs of wear may be seen on the champagne coloured electrode areas above the left & right ears.  If this happens to your Muse-S band, this doesn't necessarily mean your device has stopped working, but if you do start to notice any connection issues, you can reach out to Muse Customer Care team for additional support.   In general, the more frequently you use your Muse S device, the quicker you may see signs of wear. Using your device consistently anywhere from 3-6x/week over a 3-6 month period, your fabric band may begin to show signs of wear.  To reduce wear and tear, please follow the care and washing instructions mentioned above and remember to handle the device with love.     Connecting Naxon Explorer and Naxon Emotions from a desktop, laptop or mobile device. If you have challenges making Naxon Labs products work from your equipment, check the following procedures. Connect a website to a Bluetooth device: Chrome lets you connect a website to your Bluetooth devices.  You can choose your default permission setting on your computer. Pair Naxon Explorer or Naxon Emotions webpage in Chrome with your device On your computer or phone, make sure Bluetooth is turned on. On the Bluetooth device, make sure the device is discoverable. In Chrome, open a webpage that can connect to your device. Click or tap the page. You'll be asked to add a device. Choose a device from the list. Choose Pair or Connect.     Sources and more references: Using Naxon Explorer with Muse-S
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January 25, 2023.
Naxon Labs 2022: A Year of Achievements in Neurotechnology and Brain Computer Interfaces
2022 was a year of significant achievements for Naxon Labs in the field of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology.   Naxon Labs collaborated with the Escola Politècnica Superior of Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) to develop a software application that combines Virtual Reality and EEG technologies to modulate emotional states using binaural waves and neurofeedback techniques. Iker López de Suso Sánchez, a Computer Science Engineer, developed the software application as part of his graduation work under the supervision of Dr. Francisco José Perales López and Dr. José María Buades Rubio. The collaboration between the university and Naxon Labs resulted in the signing of an agreement with exciting plans for 2023.   Fibras, an ecosystem of organizations in Uruguay that aims to create social impact through technology, had Naxon Labs joining as a founding member. On November 29th, 2021, Fibras officially became a Civil Association, with the goal of supporting and accelerating projects and ideas that generate social impact using technology as a platform.   Naxon Labs also introduced a new initiative called Naxon Fabulari, which aims to develop forms of communication and control for people with disabilities through BCI technology. The initiative uses a low-cost EEG device (Muse) that can detect facial movements to associate a pattern with a message or action, allowing individuals to communicate phrases or control external devices through gestures. ORT University students Diego Klappenbach, Mauricio Pastorino and Juan Ignacio Ruíz, who developed the project, were awarded by the National Academy of Engineering of Uruguay.   As a featured neurotechnology company, Naxon Labs attended the Campus Party in Punta del Este, part of the largest technology event in the world. The event, which took place from March 31st to April 2nd, 2022, brought together 9,000 people. Naxon Labs was present at the booth of Presenza, an ecosystem that aims to democratize access to psychotherapy and provides tools to psychologists and patients to grow according to their needs and preferences. Naxon Labs participated in Brain Week in France, an international event that aims to raise public awareness of the importance of brain research. The event, which took place from March 14th to 20th, 2022, brought together researchers, doctors, and students to share advances in neuroscience research and present the challenges for the knowledge of the brain and its implications for society. Looking for the most promising startups, Santander Universidades Uruguay selected Naxon Labs as one of the 3 finalists among the 10 bests in Uruguay in its category, qualifying to participate in the international instance in 2023.   The multi-sensor meditation device Muse S is supported by Naxon Explorer, a tool that provides real-time feedback about brain activity, heartbeat, breathing, and movement. The device seamlessly integrates with Naxon Explorer. We brought Naxon Explorer and Muse to Saudi Arabia and verified the compatibility tests with the Muse S headband. The design of Muse S enables other scenarios of use compared to Muse I and Muse II, fitting better for sleep and sports management.   Naxon Labs launched Naxon Emotions, a tool that objectively measures and records a person's emotions and cognitive states in real-time and at low cost using portable electroencephalography (EEG) headbands. The tool is based on neurophysiological data from EEG, cloud computing, and AI, and it can be used to measure and record the state of concentration and alertness of a person. The application of Virtual Reality in Reminiscence therapy combining Naxon Labs products has been tested by research teams in the Department of Communication and Art of University of Aveiro in Portugal under the guidance of Rui Raposo.   A new initiative, Naxon BrainGym was introduced, which is a physical environment designed to enhance mental faculties and improve people's quality of life. The site consists of 3 stations, each with a screen and a portable EEG headband, where individuals can choose the exercise they want to do to exercise their brain. The neurotechnology ecosystem around Naxon Labs is growing, with the company connecting with many stakeholders in the world to promote the use of neurotechnology in an easy and affordable way.   Naxon Labs announced a partnership with Neuphony to integrate neurotechnology products, bringing together the expertise of both companies to develop new solutions for the field of BCI technology.   Neurotechnology was showcased at the Test & Invest Business Summit in Punta del Este, which was organized by the Interamerican Development Bank. The event was an opportunity to demonstrate the Naxon Emotions tool, with the support of ANII (National Agency for Research and Innovation). Other initiatives in the field of neurotechnology were also featured, such as the Technology University UTEC showcasing student projects that used Open BCI technology to control toy cars with the mind. The goal of the event is to strengthen the country as a regional innovation hub, where new products can be tested, invested, and developed.   Naxon Labs had a successful year in 2022, with many significant achievements in the field of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology and neurotechnology. From collaborating with universities and research institutions to launching new products and initiatives, Naxon Labs continues to drive innovation in this field and make it more accessible to a wider audience. The company's participation in events such as Brain Week in France and the Test & Invest Business Summit in Punta del Este further showcases the impact and potential of neurotechnology in various industries and sectors. With exciting plans for 2023, Naxon Labs is well on its way to becoming a leader in the field of neurotechnology and BCI technology.  
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January 17, 2023.
Fabulari - Students awarded by the National Academy of Engineering of Uruguay
Different final student projects were awarded by the National Academy of Engineering. On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, within the framework of the end-of-year ceremony of the National Academy of Engineering, held at the Benedetti Auditorium of the Telecommunications Tower in Montevideo, the prizes for the Final Degree Projects Competition were announced.  In the Systems area, the first prize went to Fabulari - Generation of Controls with Brain Computer Interfaces Technology, carried out by Diego Klappenbach, Mauricio Pastorino and Juan Ignacio Ruíz, and under the guidance of Mag. Mariel Feder at the ORT University of Uruguay.   The project consisted of a solution for NaxonLabs, a company that works with assistive technologies for people with disabilities, specifically those integrated into electroencephalography. Naxon Labs' main product is “Explorer”, a neural data information collector that uses crown-shaped hardware which captures and graphs a patient's brain waves live. The project was based on building an application that detects the voluntary activity of the person using the headband and that translates these actions into words using a voice synthesizer or executes predefined actions in the system. This development becomes Naxon Fabulari, a new initiative for developing forms of communication or control through brain-computer interface technology for people with disabilities. With the help of a low-cost EEG device, which in addition to capturing brain waves can detect facial movements, a person can associate a pattern with a message or action. In this way a person can communicate a phrase or control connected external devices through a gesture. This app can be used with products from the Interaxon Muse line (Muse 1, Muse 2 and Muse S).     The application, Naxon Fabulari, has the potential to greatly benefit people with disabilities, especially those with conditions that affect their ability to communicate verbally. By using brain-computer interface technology and a low-cost EEG device, the app allows people to communicate through facial movements, which may be an effective alternative for those who are unable to speak or use traditional communication methods. The user-friendly interface and the ability to create multiple profiles to fit different situations and contexts, make it a valuable tool for individuals with disabilities to interact with their environment and communicate with others. It also provides a promising new way for people with disabilities to control external devices such as wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, and other assistive technology. This technology can help to improve the quality of life and independence of people with disabilities, enabling them to have more control over their environment and participate in society more fully. Interaxon's Muse devices are a line of EEG (electroencephalography) headbands that are designed to measure brain activity and provide feedback to users through a connected mobile app. The Muse devices use dry EEG sensors to detect brain activity, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as meditation, stress reduction, and brain-computer interface (BCI) applications like the ones provided by Naxon Labs. Among the benefits of using Interaxon's Muse devices for Naxon Fabulari include: Non-invasive: The Muse devices use dry EEG sensors, which are non-invasive and do not require any gel or paste to be applied to the scalp. This makes them more comfortable to wear for longer periods of time. Portable: The Muse devices are lightweight and portable, making them easy to take with you on the go. Accessible: The Muse devices are relatively affordable compared to other EEG devices, which can make them more accessible to a wider range of users.   References Communication through brain-computer interface technology for people with disabilities Final projects of students awarded by the National Academy of Engineering of Uruguay
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December 27, 2022.
Influencing brain activity through virtual reality environments
Virtual reality and electroencephalography for modulation of emotional states through visual and auditory stimulus   A virtual reality application can influence a user mental activity in order to increase the relaxation or concentration. Iker López de Suso Sánchez, at Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), developed a software application motivated by providing technological support for mental health care, combining software games with Unity and virtual reality. For this, is used an auditory stimulus known as binaural waves, configured in different ranges depending on the type of brain waves that are to be increased, and a neurofeedback is applied as a brain activity training technique. Likewise, the use of virtual reality favors both relaxation and individual attention thanks to the elimination of unwanted external stimuli, complete control of their experience, and the consequent feeling of immersion. The objective evaluation of the user's mental state after using the application is possible thanks to the integration of a non-invasive EEG device that monitors brain activity throughout the session.   Combining Virtual Reality and EEG technologies, by adding visual and auditory stimulus, Iker López has created a software application for the modulation of emotional states with binaural waves and neurofeedback techniques.   Iker worked at Escola Politècnica Superior under the supervision of Dr. Francisco José Perales and Dr. José María Buades Rubio in the academic program 2020/2021 in the city of Palma, Majorca, Spain. This work led Universitat de les Illes Balears and Naxon Labs to agree on further academic, scientific and cultural collaboration.   “Virtual reality is a technology on which many expectations have been placed in recent years. The high costs of the devices in the market and the risk that companies run by investing large amounts of money in the development of content and devices have been the main brake on an expansion that was predicted to be exponential. However, virtual reality experiences have always been well received by developers and users, and the growth of the technology has been constant. The appearance of devices with great value for money such as the Meta Quest 2 (formerly Oculus Quest 2), and the interest shown by technological giants such as Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, Playstation, Valve, Microsoft, HTC, Sony and many others, show that this technology is in full growth and still has a lot to offer. In addition, it is not only revolutionizing the entertainment sector, its application in the form of Serious Games in fields such as health, education, sports, the aeronautical industry, the media or the corporate sector, reflect the possibility of a new boom similar to that of we had with mobile apps.”   In 2014 Facebook acquired the virtual reality headset maker Oculus Rift VR. Initially sold as Oculus Quest 2, Meta Quest 2 is a virtual reality headset developed by Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook, Inc.) released in 2020.   “Mental health is another protagonist in this project. The percentages of people affected by mental disorders are higher than what is popularly believed. 25% of the population suffers from some mental disorder throughout their lives. Mental illnesses represent 12.5% of all pathologies. 22% of the population suffers episodes of anxiety and depression at some point in their lives. In addition, in the year in which this work was carried out, a global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus was emerging, which has collaterally affected the mental health of millions of people, as warned by the Organization World Health Organization (WHO). The seriousness of the matter is clearly evidenced in an analysis by a Canadian team, based on data from 55 international studies (with more than 190,000 participants between January and May 2021), in which they emphasize that post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety and depression were, respectively, five, four and three times more frequent than usual, taking the data reported by the WHO as a reference. The awareness on the part of the population is growing, and the interest in taking care of mental health as well”.   “Neurofeedback and Binaural Waves are techniques by which a person's brain activity can be influenced in the long term. Some studies present them as complementary and even substitute treatments for psychoactive drugs in disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy, anxiety or depression, showing positive and permanent results in the patient. On the other hand, there is also a growing interest in people with “normal” brain activity in using technologies that help them relax or concentrate. Some examples of commercial applications of this style are Tripp and Muse. Taking this context into account, the current project proposes the development of a virtual reality application and the integration of an EEG device that allows the collection of data on the user's brain activity while neurofeedback techniques with binaural waves are applied. The use of virtual reality makes it easier to obtain favorable results because uncontrolled stimuli from the environment are limited and immersion is greater. The distinctive element of the project compared to other applications such as Tripp, is the monitoring of the user's brain activity through an EEG system, which allows an objective analysis of the changes experienced and the effectiveness of the applied techniques. For the realization of this work, the author has had at his disposal the Unity project corresponding to Miguel Sánchez's thesis work, in which a virtual reality system for the management of chronic pain in children and young people with rare diseases. It should be noted that said project consists of the binaural waves technique, so the same external library (AccelBrainBeat) has been used and the script that was developed for its configuration and reproduction has been reused. Thus, it can be seen that the Binaural Waves configuration screen offers the same possibilities and has only changed in the visual aspect. The “Space” environment and the variety of music available are also originating from the aforementioned project”.   Iker analyzed brain waves in non-invasive EEG devices like Muse Band 2, which has 4 channels plus one for reference, using Bluetooth 4.2 communication:   ● Gamma (32-100Hz) ○ High cognitive processing. ○ Learning. ○ Problem solving. ● Beta (13-32Hz) ○ Concentration. ○ Decision making. ● Alpha (8-13Hz) ○ Relaxation. ○ Well-being. ● Theta (4 - 8Hz) ○ Imagination. ○ Internal processing. ○ Dreams (REM), fears. ● Delta (0.5 - 4Hz) ○ Deep meditation. ○ Deep sleep (without dreaming).   A binaural beat is an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, with less than a 40 Hz difference between them, are presented to a listener dichotically (one through each ear). For example, if a 100 Hz pure tone is presented to a subject's right ear, while a 104 Hz pure tone is presented to the subject's left ear, the listener will perceive the auditory illusion of a third tone, in addition to the two pure tones presented to each ear. The third sound is called a binaural beat, and in this example would have a perceived pitch correlating to a frequency of 4 Hz, that being the difference between the 104 Hz and 100 Hz pure tones presented to each ear.   Figure: Binaural Beats   Binaural-beat perception originates in the inferior colliculus of the midbrain and the superior olivary complex of the brainstem, where auditory signals from each ear are integrated and precipitate electrical impulses along neural pathways through the reticular formation up the midbrain to the thalamus, auditory cortex, and other cortical regions.   Then the neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy, is a type of biofeedback that presents real-time feedback from brain activity in order to reinforce healthy brain function through operant conditioning. In this case, electrical activity from the brain is collected via sensors placed on the scalp using electroencephalography (EEG Muse Band 2), with feedback presented using video displays or sound.   Figure: Neurofeedback     “There’s decades of innovations ahead. We’re at the very beginning, where it’s just at the stage where we can bring in consumers but there’s so much further to go from there” said Brendan Iribe, CEO of Oculus Rift, the device Iker used for the application.   Also in his work, Iker cited Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, now rebranded as Meta, to enter with these applications in the so called Metaverse: “The incredible thing about the technology is that you feel like you’re actually present in another place with other people. People who try it say it’s different from anything they’ve ever experienced in their lives.”   Iker considered different reality technologies: Augmented reality (AR), Virtual reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).   Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Examples of augmented reality experiences include Snapchat lenses and the game Pokemon Go.   Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world. Using virtual reality devices such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard, users can be transported into a number of real-world and imagined environments such as the middle of a squawking penguin colony or even the back of a dragon.   In a Mixed Reality (MR) experience, which combines elements of both augmented reality and virtual reality, real-world and digital objects interact. Mixed reality technology is just now starting to take off with Microsoft’s HoloLens one of the most notable early mixed reality apparatuses.     The Meta Quest 2 device has a resolution per eye of 1920 x 1832 pixels, a refresh rate of 90Hz, and a FOV (Field of View) of 90°.   Figure: Meta Quest 2   Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005. The engine has since been gradually extended to support a variety of desktop, mobile, console and virtual reality platforms. The engine can be used to create three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) games, as well as interactive simulations and other experiences.   Meta Quest and Quest 2 deliver the freedom of wireless, standalone virtual reality with the industry leading power and performance to drive your next immersive app. Both of these devices include spatially tracked controllers, integrated open-ear audio, and support for Oculus Link which enables users to access their Oculus Rift library of apps from their gaming compatible PC.   For this application Meta Quest 2 has been integrated with Unity to create the virtual reality environment, scene, game objects, the components defining the game object behavior and the materials that add texture and colors to objects.   The behavior and characteristics of the elements that interact in a Unity scene, known as GameObjects, are defined by the components they have attached. In Unity there are a multitude of components that provide very versatile characteristics to GameObjects, however, as we approach the particularities of a specific project, functions appear that require script programming, code units that control the behavior of the objects to which they are associated.   For the integration of the EEG device with the software application it was used the Naxon Explorer API to get the data at the right moment. With Naxon Labs platform and an EEG device like Interaxon’s Muse, you can create a mark derived from an external event in a sequence of brain activity expressed in waves. Naxon Explorer is a useful tool and neurofeedback system for researchers in Neuroscience, Psychology and Medicine. You can record brain data, get measurements and sessions data that will let you use machine learning and automatic pattern analysis. With the API, you can analyze brain behavior and its response to an external activity.In this application, Iker exposes the brain to visual and auditory stimulus at the same time informs Naxon Explorer through an API to register the moment accurately. With this, you can analyze the continuous brain waves and check what was the impact of the external event in the brain activity.   With the session started, you can now see the data that the EEG device is sending. The figure shows the micro volts per millisecond that each of the Muse Band 2 channels detects. The bar graph on the right shows the average values of each type of wave in real time, data obtained thanks to the application of the Fourier transform on the “raw” data. In the figure you can see the intensities of each type of wave for each sensor.   Figure: Visualization of raw data and the average intensity of each type of wave in real time.   There are a series of configurable parameters to calibrate the treatment of the data before displaying it on the screen, which transforms the values and changes their appearance. During the development of this work, the following parameters have been used:   • High pass filter: it is a filter that passes signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies lower than said cutoff frequency.   • Low pass filter: This is a filter that passes signals with a frequency lower than the selected cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency.   • Window (s): refers to how many seconds are displayed on the screen.   • uV amplitude: refers to how many microvolts the Y axis includes.   Figure: Data flow   In the application you can work with the session, the configuration, course of session, summary of results (graphics and information). You can also configure the environment, the binaural waves and the music.   In the lobby, the user is in a virtual environment where they can listen to music and binaural waves through headphones. The default settings of these elements are “Moon Night” in terms of environment, “Buddhist” in terms of music, and relaxation binaural waves, with the purpose of increasing the user's Alpha waves. In addition, there are 2 rays that correspond to the virtual reality controllers, with which the user can point and interact with the GUI elements.   Before starting the session, you must configure its duration and the type of activity that you want to measure. The different session durations range from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes.   Regarding the type of session, each one has the following particularities:   • Relaxation: in this type of session the summary graph shown at the end symbolizes the relationship between the intensity of Alpha(α) and Beta(β). The value on the Y axis is directly proportional to the intensity of Alpha waves and inversely proportional to Beta waves. The formula used to calculate the relaxation index from these waves is α/β   During this session, the user must close their eyes and meditate, with the aim of increasing said index.   • Concentration: in the concentration type session, the relationship between the Alpha(α), Beta(β) and Theta(θ) waves is measured, which corresponds to the user's concentration index. This relationship is used in studies such as J. Park, H. Kwon, S. Kang, and Y. Lee, “The effect of binaural beat-based audiovisual stimulation on brain waves and concentration,” in 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC).   Alpha and Beta waves (especially Beta) appear when a person is concentrating on something, on the contrary, Theta waves appear when they are immersed in their imagination, distracted or sleeping. Said relationship is (α+β)/θ   When selecting this type of session, a sphere that levitates based on the concentration index appears on the screen. Therefore, the goal of the user during this type of session is to concentrate solely on the sphere. The greater the concentration of the user, the greater the height the ball will acquire. In this way, the Visual Neurofeedback technique is put into practice, allowing the user to train their mental activity with feedback in real time.   Once the duration and type of session have been selected, click "Start Session" to start it. Instantly, the WebSocketManager script sends the “start recording” command to the Naxon Explorer platform, after which the data that the Muse Band 2 monitors begins to arrive. As future directions of this work, Iker Lopez indicated the statistical study to validate the effectiveness of the techniques used, increase the stimulus perceived by the user (shaders, particles), the expansion of neurofeedback techniques, the development of a backend project including communication with a server and a data base, the Inclusion of alternative input systems (head movement, voice control) and design and develop an in-game tutorial.
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December 05, 2022.
Universitat de les Illes Balears and Naxon Labs agree on academic, scientific and cultural collaboration.
The University of the Balearic Islands and Naxon Labs agree to collaborate to develop programs, exchange and cooperation in teaching and research, particularly in the development of applied neurotechnology products.   The Rector of the University of the Balearic Islands Jaume Carot Giner and the CEO of Naxon Labs Leandro Castelluccio, have formalized a collaboration agreement to develop joint study, exchange and cooperation programs in the field of teaching, student training and research, in particular, the development of applied neurotechnology products, software integration, testing and proof of concept, communication of results, dissemination and promotion activities.   The agreement was approved by the Board of Directors on June 8, 2022 and ratified by the Governing Council on June 15, 2022, in accordance with the provisions of articles 24.2.24 and 147.2 of the University Statutes of the Balearic Islands, approved by Decree 64/2010, of May 14 (BOIB no. 76, of May 22).   Through this agreement, research and transfer collaborations will be deepened, such as those that began in 2020 with professors and students of the Escola Politècnica Superior. Dr. Francisco José Perales and Dr. Jose Maria Buades lead a DMI innovation (UJVIA) and research (UGIVIA) team at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) with many initiatives in brain-computer interfaces and virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence. Several projects have been developed where technology is normally applied to therapeutic cases. They have used these technologies with children with cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, among others, and in two national projects to help older people through social robots (Pergamex) and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (Explaining).   The team of researchers and students created a software application for the modulation of emotional states with binaural waves and neurofeedback techniques, combining Virtual Reality and EEG (electroencephalography) technologies, adding visual and binaural auditory stimuli. In this initiative, the Naxon Explorer product was used and integrations were made through the Naxon Explorer API.   One of the virtual reality applications was intended to assess the emotional state of the person and modulate it, for example, to control chronic pain. To do this, the team uses physiological parameters (such as heart rate, skin conductivity, and EEG frequency band variations). The team used EEG to address the challenges of wearing a virtual reality binaural beats headset with an EEG headset with the Naxon Explorer API.   These developments are based on group research such as the work: "Evaluation of a virtual reality system for pain management through binaural acoustic stimulation" developed by Francisco J. Perales, Laia Riera, Silvia Ramis and Alejandro Guerrero.  
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November 20, 2022.
Neurotech in Test & Invest Business Summit Punta del Este
Neurotechnology had its space in the Test & Invest Uruguay Business Summit in Punta del Este, organized by the Interamerican Development Bank. The Uruguay Minister of Industry, Omar Paganini, pointed out that work is being done on the Uruguay Innovation Hub initiative, whose objective is to strengthen the country as a regional innovation hub. “We want the country to become a place to test new products, invest and develop projects,” he said. Naxon Labs showcased Naxon Emotions in its booth with the support of ANII (National Agency for Research and Innovation). In a booth that was in front of Naxon Labs, the Technology University UTEC, among other initiatives, showcased students' works to control toy cars with the mind using Open BCI technology.   Test & Invest was held on November 3rd and 4th, 2022 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. It brought lectures by international experts on the main trends and opportunities in technology, biotech, film industry, renewable energy and sustainable finance in Uruguay and the Latin American Region. B2B and B2G business rounds were held between investors, startups and larger companies from Uruguay, Latin America, USA, Ireland, Israel and South Korea, among others. There were presented exhibitions on the technologies that are developed in Uruguay and the Latin America Region (metaverse, internet of things, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality and neurotechnology) and their respective applications. Naxon Labs had a booth in the ANII area showcasing neurotechnology products and in particular Naxon Emotions. This is a platform consisting of an emotion monitoring system that translates brain information into objective visual markers of states such as anxiety, relaxation, concentration, joy or sadness, among others. It can enhance objective patient records for diagnosis and treatment in mental health, allowing tracking patient evolution, remote monitoring and therapy, improving the implementation of techniques for the regulation of mental disorders and also allowing applications in various specific disorders. In general anyone interested in learning about emotions and how one responds to events or stimuli can benefit from using our platform.   Naxon Labs booth at Test & Invest The conference visitors could learn how Naxon Labs uses Muse EEG technology for the products Naxon Explorer and Naxon Emotions. The visitors could also learn about Naxon BrainGym which helps to enhance mental faculties and improve people's quality of life.   Naxon Labs using Muse EEG technology for the products Naxon Explorer, Naxon Emotions and Naxon BrainGym.   Test & Invest had a neurotechnology sector since in front of Naxon Labs booth was UTEC, the Technology University, showcasing among other things, the students' developments using Open BCI. UTEC showcased the work of the Fray Bentos Campus, where they did a Race of robotic vehicles controlled by Brain Computer Interface in December 2021. They had organized the first race of robotic vehicles controlled by Brain Computer Interface in Uruguay. UTEC students managed to carry out the design, development and implementation of a Brain Computer Interface for the control of a robotic vehicle which will move through a track with obstacles. The Biomedical Engineering team has been working on this project since April 2021 and finally tested the vehicles they developed in a race. Students of Biomedical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering participated in the teams. UTEC booth in Test & Invest   Naxon Labs shared the ANII booth space with ELdS to put together at Test & Invest two finalists of SantanderX  Accelerate Uruguay.    Naxon Labs and ELdS in Test & Invest.   The Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Omar Paganini, welcomed Uruguay, the land of opportunities. In his presentation, Paganini explained that the government intends to take advantage of "the key moment in which Uruguay finds itself" so that the country "goes to the next level". "Today Uruguay stands out regionally and internationally for its management of the pandemic, its economic growth, its institutional stability and its commitment to environmental sustainability," said the chief. The minister pointed out that work is being done on the Uruguay Innovation Hub initiative, whose objective is to strengthen the country as a regional innovation pole. “We want the country to become a place to test new products, invest and develop projects”, Paganini explained. "We are already a business pole that attracts leading international companies," added the chief and announced that a plan is being worked on to leverage and generate startups. Paganini announced that this program articulates public and private resources, and will have the support of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MED), the MIEM and the IDB.   Paganini at the Test and Invest summit.   The minister explained that Uruguay is at a favorable stage to add more public policies that accelerate the creation of local startups and, also, promote the arrival of startups from other parts of the world, so that they merge and develop in the country. through public-private funds. Another of the points of this program is to "attract investment funds for the pre-series A and series A stage —that is, the phase that allows the startup to scale—, with calls that the government will encourage," Paganini asserted. The third point of the initiative consists of encouraging the creation of laboratories that develop knowledge in industries such as the Internet of Things and 5G. For this, the minister said that Uruguayan scientists will try to get out of the strict world of science and take their knowledge to the area of ​​entrepreneurship.  Paganini also expressed that the creation of a campus as a physical place is being studied, where innovative projects that generate value are generated. To conclude, the minister reiterated the idea that Uruguay should become a business hub and become one of innovation with regional weight and explained that this program intends to go in that direction, since it seeks to generate "distributive solutions to promote the international insertion" of the country.   Many thanks to ANII (National Agency for Research and Innovation) for inviting Naxon Labs to participate in the Test & Invest Uruguay Business Summit.